
Responsible for the publication: Olivier Robert

The website is edited by SIRET : 85394986500010

Photo credits: Envato Elements


This site is hosted by the company OVH SAS, 2 rue Kellermann 59100 ROUBAIX.

Protection of personal data

The personal data collected on the website is intended for use by CURATEC only. This data will never be passed on to a third party without your prior consent.

Information on cookies

CURATEC may use “cookies”. Cookies allow us to recognize you and collect information about your visit to the website (connection time, pages visited, etc.). You may object to the storage of cookies by configuring your browser as follows

For Microsoft Explorer: Choose the “Tools” menu, then “Internet Options” Click on the “Confidentiality” tab Select the desired level with the cursor or click on the “Advanced” button to customize your cookie management.

For Mozilla Firefox: Choose the “Tools” menu and click on the “Options” link under “Cookies”.

For Google Chrome: Select Settings, click on Show Advanced Settings, in the “Privacy” section, click on the Content Settings button.

For Safari: click on the Safari menu, then select Preferences…in the Preferences window, select the Security tab.

Intellectual Property

This website is protected by intellectual property laws, including copyrights, designs, trademarks, domain names, patents, know-how, software, and databases. CURATEC and/or its partners retain ownership of all such content and related rights.

Personal Data

In general, you may visit the CURATEC Website without providing any personal information about yourself. You are under no obligation to provide CURATEC with such information.
However, if you refuse to provide such information, you may not be able to receive certain information or services you have requested. In some cases, CURATEC may ask you to provide your last name, first name, e-mail address, telephone number, company and position (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”). By providing this information, you expressly agree that it may be processed by CURATEC for the purposes indicated in point 2 below and for the purposes indicated at the end of each form.
In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) adopted by the European Parliament on April 14, 2016, and the amended French Data Protection Act of January 6, 1978, CURATEC informs you of the following:

1. Identity of the data controller
The data controller is CURATEC, whose registered office is located at ZA de Reffye, 20 Rue Général de Reffye, 88000 Épinal.

2. Purpose of processing
CURATEC may process your Personal Information:
(a) to provide you with the information or services that you have requested (in particular: the sending of newsletters, commercial offers, white papers or the evaluation of your level of compliance via a quiz); and/or
(b) for the purpose of collecting information that will allow us to improve our Site, our products and services (in particular through the use of cookies); and/or
(c) to contact you about various events relating to CURATEC, including product updates and customer support.

3. Recipients
CURATEC is the sole recipient of your Personal Information. Your Personal Information, whether in individual or aggregated form, is never transmitted to a third party, notwithstanding the subcontractors that CURATEC uses (for more information on these subcontractors, please see point 7 below). Neither CURATEC nor any of its subcontractors market the personal data of visitors and users of its Website.

4. Duration of storage
CURATEC keeps your Personal Information only for the period of time required to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected, as indicated in point 2 above, and in any event for no longer than 36 months.

5. Data Protection Rights
You have the following rights concerning your Personal Information, which you may exercise by writing to us at the postal address mentioned in point 1 or by filling in the form opposite.
o Right of access and communication of data
You have the right to access the Personal Information that concerns you.
However, in view of CURATEC’s obligation of security and confidentiality in the processing of personal data, you are informed that your request will be processed provided that you can prove your identity, in particular by producing a scan of your valid identity document (in the case of a request made via our dedicated electronic form) or a signed photocopy of your valid identity document (in the case of a request made in writing).
CURATEC informs you that it will have the right, if necessary, to object to requests that are clearly abusive (due to their number, repetitive or systematic nature).
To assist you in this process, and in particular if you wish to exercise your right of access by sending a written request to the postal address mentioned in point 1, you will find a model letter prepared by the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (the “CNIL”) by clicking on the following link

o Right to rectify data
Under this right, the law entitles you to request the rectification, updating, blocking or deletion of data concerning you that may be inaccurate, erroneous, incomplete or obsolete.
You can also define general and specific directives concerning the fate of your personal data after your death. If necessary, the heirs of a deceased person can demand that the death of their loved one be taken into account and/or that the necessary updates be made.
To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exercise, on your own behalf or on behalf of one of your deceased relatives, your right of rectification by means of a written request to the postal address mentioned in point 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a model letter drawn up by the CNIL.

o Right of opposition
The exercise of this right is only possible in one of the two following situations:
When the exercise of this right is based on legitimate reasons; or
When the exercise of this right aims to prevent the data collected from being used for commercial prospecting purposes.
To help you in your approach, in particular if you wish to exercise your right of opposition by means of a written request addressed to the postal address indicated in point 1, you will find by clicking on the following link a model letter drawn up by the CNIL.

6. Response time
CURATEC undertakes to respond to your request for access, rectification or opposition or any other additional request for information within a reasonable timeframe, which shall not exceed one month from the date of receipt of your request.

7. Authorized service providers and transfer to a third country of the European Union
CURATEC informs you that it has recourse to its authorized service providers to facilitate the collection and processing of the data you have communicated to us. These service providers may be located outside the European Union and may be responsible for the data collected through the various forms on the Website (with the exception of the form allowing you to exercise your rights to privacy, which is provided and operated by CURATEC).
CURATEC has ensured that its service providers provide adequate guarantees and comply with strict conditions regarding confidentiality, use, and data protection. In particular, CURATEC has ensured that there is a legal basis for transferring data to a third country. In this respect, one of our service providers is subject to internal company rules (or “Binding Corporate Rules”) that were approved by the CNIL in 2016, while the others obey not only Standard Contractual Clauses but also the Privacy Shield.

8. Complaint to the competent authority
If you consider that CURATEC is not complying with its obligations with respect to your Personal Information, you may lodge a complaint or a request with the competent authority. In France, the competent authority is the CNIL, to which you can send a request electronically by clicking on the following link